CEFA's Constitutional Forum
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Late last year DLP Senator John Madigan rose in Parliament to announce that he had quit his party and would serve the final three years of his term as an independent Senator.
Murmurings about Western Australian secession occurs from time to time. And especially occurs when there are perceptions in WA that they may be getting ‘ripped off’ by the Federal government.
With self-governance of Norfolk Island about to come to an end we thought it was a great opportunity to look at the interesting Constitutional arrangements of the Isl
For the past year Queensland MP for Fairfax, Clive Palmer has been under fire for failing to attend Parliamentary Committee Hearings and Parliamentary Sittings. He has the lowest attendance record in Parliament.
When the Carbon Tax Repeal bill was defeated in the first vote by the Senate last year the Prime Minister described the Senate as “Situation Normal”. More recently after the University Deregulation Bill was defeated he described the Senate as “Feral”
The Treasurer Joe Hockey has announced that he will hold town-hall meetings across the country in the coming months to start a conversation about the future of Australia after handing down the intergenerational report.
Recent national security proposals and Australia’s ongoing focus on asylum seekers have raised questions about what it means to be an Australian citizen. Australians commonly regard citizenship as central to political life and identity.
On Monday 2 February 2015 the Indonesian Attorney-General Muhammad Prasetyo announced that the two convicted Bali Nine drug traffickers on death row, Andrew Ch
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